2 DUI charges in one night for Maryland man

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Drunk Driving on Friday, December 28, 2012.

Facing DUI charges can be an intimidating enough process for an individual to go through once. Having to deal with DUI charges more than once can be an even more challenging prospect. One Maryland man actually found himself facing this situation when authorities accused him of drunk driving twice in the same night.

The first DUI arrest came around 9:00 p.m. when authorities stopped the man at an intersection for allegedly speeding. They left his car parked at that intersection while taking him to the police station for processing. The man was released in fairly short order, and police officials drove him back to his home since he could not transport himself.

Authorities later claimed, however, that this didn’t stop him from going back to obtain his vehicle from where it had been left at the intersection. Evidently, another police officer saw the man driving his vehicle just after 11:00 p.m. and arrested him for a second time. He was again booked on DUI charges.

The Maryland man now has several criminal charges pending against him. They include speeding and driving under the influence as well as willfully disobeying a police officer’s orders. As this man begins preparing his criminal defense, it would likely behoove him to make sure that he fully understands the specifics of the charges against him and the potential ramifications he could be facing if a conviction is ultimately obtained. Conducting the proper research into presenting a strong criminal defense can often be pivotal in protecting one’s legal rights and achiving a favorable outcome.

Source: Delmarva Now, “Berlin man charged with DUI twice,” Brian Shane, Dec. 19, 2012

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