Man facing a Maryland DUI charge after hitting deputy’s car

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Drunk Driving on Thursday, February 28, 2013.

A man is facing several criminal charges, including a DUI charge, in the wake of a minor car accident with a county deputy’s patrol car. The Maryland DUI charge stems from the allegation that he was driving while under intoxication at the time of the collision. Additionally, authorities allege that he was driving with a revoked driver’s license and was in illegal possession of methadone when the accident occurred.

Methadone is a drug that medical professionals typically prescribe to help those addicted to opiates like heroin fight off their addictions. Officials allege that the man had some in his vehicle at the time that he was pulled over. The incident apparently started when the county deputy was attempting to pull over another motorist for a traffic violation. She had turned on her emergency flashers and was in the process of turning in order to pursue that vehicle.

Authorities allege that, while other vehicles yielded to the officer, the accused defendant failed to do so. Instead, he purportedly clipped the patrol car and continued driving. Another officer was able to stop that SUV that the defendant was traveling in. That officer said that he detected the odor of alcohol and the man admitted that he did not have a valid license. The man was asked to take several field sobriety tests, and when he failed them, evidently confessed that he was drunk.

The man was arrested and booked for a DUI charge, along with others related to possessing the methadone, driving with a revoked license and the apparent traffic offense. He is now free due to the $10,000 bond he posted and is due back in a Maryland court in April. Like other such defendants, the man will most likely face a choice between fighting the charges made against him or negotiating some sort of deal with prosecutors. Sometimes, making a plea agreement with officials can be in a defendant’s best interests, but that is something each person must decide once they fully learn all of the facts and potential repercussions they could face if a conviction were ultimately obtained.

Source: Cecil, “Elkton man charged with DUI after accident with police cruiser,” Carl Hamilton, Feb. 19, 2013

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