Maryland man accused of child pornography, faces grave penalties

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Internet Crimes on Thursday, May 8, 2014.

Any kind of sex crime carries very stiff penalties here in Maryland. Consequences of being accused of child pornography are not limited to hefty fines and time in prison. In fact, one’s reputation can be severely damaged — personally and professionally.

A 41-year-old man from Maryland has recently been indicted on child pornography charges. He has been accused of producing, distributing and possessing improper images of children. Some of the images were of two underage females who were reportedly in sexually explicit positions. Further, it is suspected that the images were taken without the knowledge of the two female victims.

Regardless, the man is facing seven separate counts of child porn charges. Each of these charges range from a minimum of five years to 15 years and a maximum of 20 to 30 years, depending on the specific charge. However, with a strong criminal defense, the man may be able to have some of the charges dismissed or receive a less harsh sentencing.

Individuals in Maryland who find themselves being accused of child pornography may benefit from knowing that they are not automatically guilty of any accusation or charge. Because false accusations are sometimes made, it is important to understand that one has the right to a fair trial and that there are legal options available when it comes to defending oneself from these charges. The prosecution will likely be aggressive in a situation like this, but it can be countered with a solidified criminal defense strategy as one works to protect his or her rights and freedom.

Source:, “Worcester Co. Man Indicted on Child Porn Charges“, Kye Parsons, May 5, 2014

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