Maryland bus driver charged with possession

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Drug Charges on Friday, May 15, 2015.

As most residents of Maryland are aware, being charged with a drug crime can have serious implications for your future. Even during the investigative process you could find yourself being suspended from your job and even treated differently by family and friends. If convicted, the penalties could range from fines, to loss of professional licenses or even time in prison.

All of these things may be going through the mind of a school bus driver from Maryland after her arrest following an accident in Howard County. The bus is said to have crashed into a mailbox after leaving the road. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the driver was said to have appeared nervous following the incident.

Of course, this is an understandable reaction to a crash in which she claims the bus brakes failed. However, the driver was arrested as a result of failing a field sobriety test. She also faces charges relating to drug possession after two Alprazolam pills were allegedly discovered on the bus. This medication is often used to treat anxiety.

It can be difficult to get to the bottom of investigations of this nature and it is a sad fact that having controlled medication in your possession can result in drug charges, even if you have a valid reason for needing that medication. While this case is under investigation, the driver has also been suspended.

If you are faced with drug charges, you too may have found yourself in a similar situation. However, all is not lost. An attorney may be able to explain your options to you and assist you with forming your defense. With the right guidance you might be able to escape conviction and preserve your reputation and your future.

Source: New York Daily News, “Maryland school bus driver accused of DUI after crashing on Whiskey Bottom Road,” Lee Moran, May 5, 2015

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