Woman awaiting trial following multiple charges

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Weapons Crimes on Friday, July 17, 2015.

In Maryland, any form of criminal charge can be a very serious matter. However, this is often exacerbated if the offense for which you have been charged involved the use or possession of a weapon. In fact, these crimes are often taken so seriously that even if no one is harmed, the penalties can be severe.

On top of this, the mark on your criminal record can heavily impact your future, dramatically diminishing your job prospects and even putting a strain on your relationships with loved ones. Furthermore, the stress of the investigative process can be extremely emotionally taxing, which could have a negative effect on your overall health.

In one such case, a 26-year-old woman from Baltimore is facing 26 charges relating to multiple robberies. She has been accused of stealing from a convenience store as well as a liquor store. It has also been suggested that she may have been involved in other robberies in the area. The charges against her include assault, armed robbery and commission of a violent crime while using a weapon.

If convicted, she could face severe penalties, ranging from hefty fines to a lengthy prison sentence. However, like many people in her position, she might benefit from the advice and support of an attorney. A good defense can often be the key to avoiding conviction, or negotiating a lighter sentence.

If you are facing charges relating to a weapon crime, your future may feel uncertain. It is not always easy to present your side of the story to the court in way that helps your case. However, an attorney may be able to provide the guidance you require as you build your defense and pursue a fair and favorable resolution to your trial.

Source: Annapolis Patch, “Mom in Abandoned Baby Case Awaiting Trial for Armed Robberies,” Deb Belt, July 6, 2015

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