Any form of drug charge can harm your future

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Drug Charges on Friday, August 14, 2015.

Drug charges can range in severity by a significant amount. However, as many residents of Maryland know, even a seemingly minor charge can have serious consequences. Before you have even gone to trial, you could experience difficulties such as being suspended from your job or being treated differently by friends and family. The criminal process itself can also be emotionally taxing and have a detrimental effect on your general well-being. If convicted, you may even find it difficult to find future work and be limited in other areas of your life.

There are many types of drug charges, ranging from possession to manufacturing and distribution. The penalties vary depending on the nature of the charge, the substances involved and the quantity of drugs found, as well as a number of other factors. Previous convictions can also exacerbate the potential sentence you could face, as can involvement in larger operations for the distribution of controlled substances.

If you have been charged with a drug-related offense, your future may feel uncertain. The penalties could include fines or even a jail term and you could be left with a permanent mark on your criminal record. A good defense is vital, yet it can be hard to know what to say or do when under the pressure of a criminal investigation.

Fortunately, you are not alone at this difficult time. Our page on criminal defense may be able to answer some of your questions. You might also benefit from the advice and support of an attorney. He or she can help you decide on the best line of defense to take and may be able to assist you during and in preparation for your trial.

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