A DUI conviction could get your new year off on the wrong foot

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Drunk Driving on Sunday, December 27, 2015.

Ringing in the new year with friends and family is one of the great traditions. And of course, part of the tradition is to pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne at the stroke of midnight. When a party is in full swing, it is easy to drink to the point of having a blood alcohol concentration that exceeds the legal limit.

It is quite possible to feel fine and in control while nonetheless being legally intoxicated. But after the toasts, the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” and hugs and kisses all around, the party will end. And unless you were the host of the evening festivities, you will probably need to get yourself home.

During a holiday such as New Years Eve, the police are often out in force looking to pull over motorists who they suspect are driving under the influence. In some locations, there may even be checkpoints set up specifically to apprehend inebriated drivers.

But it is important for drivers who get stopped on New Years Eve to remember that they have rights. This means that during the stop, the police must adhere to all specified procedures. Just because they are looking to round up as many DUI suspects as possible does not mean they can rush through the testing process in order to make a quick arrest.

If you should face DUI charges stemming from a New Years eve arrest, we at Jack A. Rubin PA would be interested in discussing your case. We work aggressively to help our clients maintain their driving privileges. Please look over the pages of our website to learn about our approach and services.

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