Gun owners vulnerable to Maryland’s strict laws

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Weapons Crimes on Tuesday, December 8, 2015.

In a perfect world, we would all be able to go anywhere we want without fear of being attacked. Unfortunately, the world is not always safe, and there are people walking the streets who could pose a threat. A dangerous encounter can come out of nowhere and with such speed that there is no time to call for help.

As such, it is not unusual for citizens to want to have protection just in case they should have to defend themselves during a potentially lethal encounter. While the U.S. Constitution grants citizens the right to bear arms, the Maryland legal system has very strict laws regarding gun ownership. This means it is very easy for those who carry guns for purposes of self-defense to be vulnerable to receiving weapons charges.

If you are stopped by the police while carrying a concealed handgun for which you do not have a license, you could be arrested, and the gun may be confiscated. Moreover, if the arrest and weapons charge are in relation to an alleged assault, you could be facing a sentence of years in jail.

If you should receive such charges, you need to understand all of your legal options. In some cases, taking a plea bargain may be your best move. However, before you do that, you need to understand the long-term consequences.

That is why it could prove beneficial to have the counsel of a criminal defense attorney. The attorney could use the record of your arrest and other information to determine the best course of action. For instance, if it can be demonstrated that your rights were violated during your arrest, it may be possible to have your case dismissed.

At the offices of Jack B. Rubin, PA, we work to develop an aggressive defense strategy that gives our clients the opportunity to have their best possible legal outcome. We are experienced in defending those who have been arrested on weapons and assault charges. You can read more about our approach to handling these cases on this website.

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