Study yields data regarding online child pornography use

On behalf of Jack B. Rubin, PA posted in Internet Crimes on Friday, January 1, 2016.

Everyone has secrets that they would rather not share with the world. Sometimes, those secrets involve personal issues that lead to behavior that is both illegal and socially stigmatizing. Looking at child pornography is certainly an act that, if discovered by law enforcement officials, could easily lead to an arrest and the threat of social ostracization.

Child pornography possession charges come with very heavy baggage. Society is quick to harshly judge a person who is accused of possessing the illicit images. Perhaps the severity in judgment is based on some common misconceptions.

A nonprofit organization that studies Internet traffic analyzed data pertaining to the proliferation of child pornography available online. The research yielded some very interesting and perhaps myth-dispelling results. For example, often people associate viewing child pornography with pedophilia. However, the nonprofit’s analysis indicates that only a small percentage of those who look at the questionable material are pedophiles.

According to the data, the majority of child pornography consumers fall into one of two categories. One category consists of individuals who view a wide variety of pornographic subject matter. The other category is those who are classified as being “sexually curious.”

Another point the nonprofit emphasizes is that the viewing of pornographic images, including those with children, can affect the brain, which releases dopamine. This is the same reaction that using drugs can induce, meaning that there may be an addictive component to child pornography use.

While all of this information may help better explain certain aspects of child pornography consumption, possession of child pornography is an extremely serious charge. Those who have been charged with downloading and viewing such images likely need a strong defense in order to minimize the potential damage to their lives and reputations.

If you are facing child pornography possession charges, you may wish to contact a Maryland criminal attorney for confidential advice and guidance.

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